Monday, January 09, 2006

of pride n prejudice

darcy reminds me of B. reading the exchanges between darcy n elizabeth made me miss conversing with B. i was kinda taken aback by dat very thot. really... B is so like Darcy on so many accounts except the physique. of course... a very marked characteristic similarity is his insolent pride... as thot of by so many. n me, haha... as biased against him as i could be.

anway, really do miss B. the intellectual discourses; the exchanges in pride; the critical word battles; the defending of personal prejudices... etc etc etc etc. hiaz. wat can u expect from a MCP n FCP both given to debating? dat opportuned our getting better acquainted... yet also proved to be our undoing.

wat happened? a long series of unfortunate events dat climaxed to a pathetic, miserly quarrel on the icq. last met unavoidably at a wedding dinner... whose icy hostility towards me was evident to all at the table i had to beat a hasty retreat from. n as if to confirm dat the episode was not a figment of my imagination, my fren who was wif me asked, "wat did you do? He HATES you!"

there's no situation necessitating an iron-out, or reconciliation for that matter. so in an ironic turn of tables, my pride is still hurt, n B, is still prejudiced.

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