Thursday, May 19, 2005

Especially dedicated to my wonderful SIS!

Happy Birthday, sis!!

you are the best sister one could have!
despite our different 'functioning hours', different sleeping and eating habits, different perspectives, different temperaments, different communicating and leadership styles, different quirks and eccentricities, idiosyncrasies.... despite the times we tear at each other's throats, scream and fight...

you are talented and gifted. You have a gr8 personality. solid FAITH, real hunger and love for our Lord. faithful and meek. you are PRETTY! God really put you in my life to sharpen and mold me, to point out the areas i refuse to see, to hold up the mirror to me.

to be your sis (haha... it's ok if the feeling's not mutual... too bad!!! *evil, shrill laugh*)
to so totally lose out to you in our fights
to be so totally proven wrong and erroneous in some (i'm insisting - SOME!) of my ways
to be corrected by you (you do it so "face savingly")
to have sent you on your first ever flight through the air (one of my gr8est triumph... though i really freaked out when u flew!)
to have journeyed with you all these years (and will do so for the rest of my life)

i can go on... but this is NOT an open letter... so sis, you shall read the rest in my hand written letter to you (haha... torturous task trying to decipher my handwriting!), and the rest of you, just KNOW that my sis is best!

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