Saturday, January 03, 2009

back to sch! muahaha.
i m confused regarding the structure of my min. where m i? still under NUS? sigh.

my back'll break if i cont carrying such heavy load! next comp i'll buy will be the ASUS EeePC! cos it's light! carrying my laptop to n fro, plus bible, umbrella etc is so not good! 

next hp - a clamshell motorola. yes i miss my clamshell. after so many diff models- slide, candy bar, clamshell... i still like the clamshell. 

hmm... much as i like n embrace change, i still m a creature of habit, going back to my "vomit"! haha. same long wallet (cos i like the features even tho i was trying to get a diff one), same kind, n i think model of phone (cos it's got my heart! haha)

WHY ONE SHOULD NOT WATCH HORROR SHOWS like ghost whisperer etc:
even tho it brings to an awareness of the supernatural, that there is a reality beyond what we can see, and that we are not all in control of our lives, situations etc. 
- it erases God from the picture. a sovereign God is absent. these shows are essentially atheistic in nature. anything that removes God from the picture is diabolically opposed to God and the knowledge of Him. 
- it exaggerates n focuses us on the power of the "evil" supernatural world. and gives authority (which the supernatural forces DONT) to wreak havoc. 
if you are trying to grow in your sensitivity and awareness of God's presence n His ways through understanding the Word, and learning to apply it in your daily life, this totally sets you back.
erm, doesnt knowing these keeps us safe n makes it ok to watch it? 
well, u know about slow cooking the frog eh?

i m not a "puritan", nor m i a killjoy. but... seriously, there are better things to do to relax or  to entertain you. u can make a better choice. n there are better choices. 

God is a God of pleasures. in His right hand are pleasures evermore. ps 16:11. 
every good thing comes from Him. Ps 16:2, Js 1:17
there's no good thing APART from Him. so anything that does not exalt the knowledge of God, anything that opposes the knowledge of God, this we need to cast away.  
go to Him for a really good thing- a pleasure n joy that does not leave a bad hang-over in the morning, does not haunt u in the stillness of night, doesnt leave you scrambling to cover up. 
no, it's not a chick novel stained with sexual overtones. no it's not a video download that gets adrenaline n endorphins into your system. 

some1 asked me this question. n i thot i'd post it for you to help me too:
what is one thing i can learn or do to love people better?
dun tag board ur answer... email, sms, facebook msg me.

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