Thursday, May 27, 2010

school ended on 16 may 2010 with our graduation being held at the convention center. i wore the superman tee. tho felt pretty underdressed, i was assured of its significance during worship by God: i had started this journey wearing this superman tee (on 13 sept flying out of Spore to redding) and there i was at the graduation, ending this 1st year journey at BSSM wearing it. this "S" tee stands for the supernatural life that i begun pursuing this year.

and it has indeed been rather supernatural. seen so many miracles. been God's channel to cause some too.

i've changed quite a bit. n come to think of it. it's pretty hard to put into words. words almost cant quite nail it. maybe cos i'm not so good with them. anyway here's my attempt:
1) God is bigger and "good-er" than you think. all Christians are quite programmed to profess "God is good all the time." but yet like me, that confession needs to become a solid conviction. and through this year, this conviction was strengthened.
2) God is powerful. yet most Christians are satisfied with just reading about it from the pages of the Bible than experiencing it themselves.
3) God is less easily offended than Christians. i was more easily offended by people who dont share my notion or ideology about God and i realised... God isnt. He is less uptight, less quick temper, less narrow-minded than i m. "tsk tsk tsk, they should be more respectful to God!" and fail to see God having fun with and enjoying them. he is not impressed with our sobriety nor religiosity.
4) God desires intimacy with us. He wants sons and daughters, friends (John 15) not slaves who mindlessly and robotically obey a hard to please master. He wants to be known. and we can know Him.

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