Saturday, June 05, 2010

kris vallotton in spore for school of prophetic ministry. i'm helping out as ministry team.
it's so incredible. listening to his messages so many times and yet i never get tired of listening.
thank You God for bringing Kris to Singapore to build us up.
use us to bless the school.


MissyGrrL said...

i read your paragraph 'about me' on your blog. how do i develop that kind of a love for my Saviour?

evan said...

Hey MissyGrrl!
i'm so sorry i missed reading your comment until now! wow what you asked is a great question.
how to develop that kind of love for your Saviour?
seeking God for a deep experience of His love for you! if you knew better how much He loves you, it will rock your world! we love because He first loved us. (1 John 4:19) let God, the lover of your soul romance and woo you. you cant help but fall in love with Him!

i hope you got this reply despite it being so belated! drop me a note at my latest post to say you did.
praying for you MissyGrrl! =)