Monday, August 30, 2010

caught a little of the movie "gladiator" on channel 5. as usual bloodthirsty crowd chanting "kill kill kill" as they cheer on the deaths of the gladiators at the colosseum turned me off. but tonight, a startling recognition of similarity. the crowds in Jerusalem who hailed "Hosanna" also cried "crucify!" and in both instances, i see me. murderous and inhuman.
what are we apart from Christ?

we create our own problems. it's not someone else's fault. it's not our genes. it's not the weather. it's always cos of our own poor choices.
i know i have a loadful of those.
the silliest thing is to think it's someone's fault cos... then not only have you absolved your responsibility (if only), you have no hope to get out of your Sh#%. and alot of us dont ever cos we always think it's someone else's fault. the saddest thing is... it's your life you are messing up! and a whole lot more too!
wake up. own your life. the SH*@ in your life is not someone's else's responsibility!
stop letting your life go to waste cos "it's all their fault!"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We do make bad choices..on the other side,your good choices also helped others to live their dreams..
