Monday, October 03, 2011

1st Oct. "Pastor" evan. little did i know that such a title can be so jarring on my ears. hearing it, seeing it in print, in emails the past few days was hard on my system! the invisible yoke of expectations and hopes (and yes, problems) of people, including my own, weighs heavy. yet i remember that His yoke is easy and His burden light.

but wow yes this is a position that i knew is mine for more than 10 years. i did take this long to get ready for it. and yet, when one reaches "it", one realises, "being prepared" is a myth just as much as the unicorn or phoenix! the state of being ready or wanting to "get ready" exists in one's mind but is as elusive as the mirage of an oasis in the desert. one can never get fully ready as we can never predict the twists and turns of events, much less prepare for every single possibility. so what is left to be done? cliches like "bite the bullet", "step up to the plate" comes to mind. even NIKE's slogan "Just do it" is apt.

i love Steve Backlund's teaching - any area that doesnt glitter with hope is under satan's deception. i'll write it out BIG and paste it either in my office or my work desk at home. life with Jesus - knowing how victorious He is and therefore we are - is saturated with, is full of, drips, overflows with, hope, peace, love, joy.... everything good and yummy and fantastic.

i asked God for a challenge. i want to stretch myself. well, i gotta say, this one is pretty tailor made for me. 2 jobs. one in christian ministry, one marketplace. I... LOVE IT! (think of M1's irritating ad as well as McDonald's "Loving it").

let me rattle on... i realised i like ads alot! interesting. haha... MVs too... well, anything abt media, communications... interesting... i'll think abt it.

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