Saturday, February 27, 2010

sitting at barnes & nobles using their free wi-fi. and staying warm. it's been cold n wet these past days. makes me so sleepy. i would have treated myself to starbucks coffee at the cafe here except that i m pretty poor! LOL. starbucks will have to wait another time for my patronage. glad i finally came up with my newsletter. the 1st since i came to redding! cant believe how hard it was for me to do so! there's so much to write such that everything gets so so constipated! haha. my tired brain can hardly function! but typing this out reminded me that now that i have done up my newsletter, i m HERE at B&N to send it out! i cant believe how hibernated my brain is right now. LOL


bethel, redding has this way of undoing you. you can come with your masks and duct-tape holding you up. but you will be disheveled, unraveled. the spiritual climate here is pretty interesting. God's presence is so strong. He will deal with you with such loving kindness. you will encounter His deep and intimate love for you.


i need to listen better. i need to learn to listen better.
listening as a communication tool, a counselling process is easy. one can get so good in listening in ministry or work or socially... we need to be good listeners in every area of our lives. to every one. especially those closest to you. tho it's the hardest. but it is the most needful n most rewarding. i know some might disagree with the most rewarding part... but sticking to it. the long term benefits far outweigh everything else. listen to Him who speaks lovingly to you in loud and soft voice, in big and small ways.


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