Thursday, September 08, 2005

this world has no strangers, juz friends u havent met

i really only love God as much as i love the person i love the least. - Dorothy Day

without friends no one would choose to live, even if they had all other good things in life. - Aristotle

there is a little volume called "The All the Better Book" in which elementary school children try to solve some of the world's knottiest problems. here's the toughest:
"With billions of people in the world, someone should be able to figure out a system where no one is lonely. what do you suggest?"

"People should find lonely people and ask their name and address. then ask people who weren't lonely their name and address. When you have an even amount of each, assign lonely and not lonely poeple together in the newspaper."-Kalani, 8 (obviously this is a girl with the gift of administration.)

"Make food that talks to you when you eat. For instance, it would say, "How are you doing?" and "What happened to you today?" - Max, 9

"We could get people a pet or a husband or a wife and take them places." - Matt, 8 (this makes you wonder about his understanding of marriage.)

"Sing a song. Stomp your feet. read a book. (Sometimes i tihnk no ones loves me, so i do one of these.) - Brian, 8

from John Ortberg's Everybody's Normal till You Get to Know Them p28

got someone u gotta meet!
Greater love has no one than thus, that he (Jesus) lay down his life for his friends. - Jn 15:13
"Never will i leave you, never will i forsake you" - Jesus

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