Tuesday, December 13, 2005

useless bits of info on inventions - toothbrushes n toilet paper


Natural bristle brushes were invented by the ancient Chinese who made toothbrushes with bristles from the necks of cold climate pigs. French dentists were the first Europeans to promote the use of toothbrushes in the seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries. William Addis of Clerkenwald, England, created the first mass-produced toothbrush. The first American to patent a toothbrush was H. N. Wadsworth and many American Companies began to mass-produce toothbrushes after 1885. The Pro-phy-lac-tic brush made by the Florence Manufacturing Company of Massachusetts is one example of an early American made toothbrush. The Florence Manufacturing Company was also the first to sell toothbrushes packaged in boxes. In 1938, DuPont manufactured the first nylon bristle toothbrushes.
Hard to believe, but most Americans did not brush their teeth until Army soldiers brought their enforced habits of tooth brushing back home after World War II. The first real electric toothbrush was produced in 1939, and developed in Switzerland. In 1960, Squibb marketed the first American electrical toothbrush in the United States called the Broxodent. General Electric introduced a rechargeable cordless toothbrush in 1961. Introduced in 1987, Interplak was the first rotary action electrical toothbrush for home use

Toilet Paper

The following may not be accurate information, the leads found indicated this: We might owe the 1857 invention of toilet-paper to American, Joseph Coyetty. We do know that in 1880, the British Perforated Paper Company created the first paper to be used for wiping after using the toilet. This paper did not come in roll form, it came in boxes of small pre-cut squares. Toilet-paper in roll form became common in America by 1907.

*this is wat i do wen it's lunchtime n i m not hungry... search the web boliao-ly

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