Wednesday, February 28, 2007

(gives us the mindset that every Christian should have)

I) the SINGLE mind (Ch 1)
a) the focus of his prayer & thanksgiving - partnership in the gospel and God is glorified (1:1-11)
b) the focus of his heart - furtherance of the gospel rather than his circumstances (1:12 - 26)
are you willing to glorify God by representing Christ/sharing the gospel?

1:21 "for to me, to live is Christ, to die is gain."
if you substitute "Christ" with another thing, it will not equate to "gain"
eg. to live is money, to die is to leave it for somebody else.
or to live is fame and make a name for self, to die is to be forgotten

II) the SUBMISSIVE mind (Ch 2)
a) Christ's example (2:1-18)
b) practical service in submission (2:12-30)
are you willing to give up your rights?

a) his heart's desire: knowing Christ rather than fleshly accomplishment (3:4-11)
are you willing to put aside your ownb agenda and take on God's agenda?
b) his motivation: citizenship in heaven (3:12-16)

IV) the SECURE mind (Ch 4)
worry is the greatest thief of joy.
a) the promise of God's peace (4:6-9)
guard heart against wrong emotions, people
guard mind againsy wrong thinking, deception
b) the joy of godly contentment (4:10-13)
discontentment robs joy

Gen12ii Wave 1 Commissioning msg by LCM

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