Saturday, March 10, 2007

i juz typed on msn to a fren saying i m a lazy in blogging n journalling... i could do better in writing better as well as writing more sustantially so dat i wont be so lost wen i re-read my entries...

here's part of an entry i borrowed (with permission) from JoW:
...friendships are meant to GROW, just as the individuals grow. And it's not a matter of friends growing USED to each other, but growing in PASSION, love, commitment, DEVOTION and union with each other. But all too often, hearts grow jaded by time... almost like the touching of hearts grows calluses on them or something... or else, there's a misunderstanding, or a hurt that never heals. And it's not that the wound can't be healed, but I suppose one major factor hindering it is that people just end up subscribing to the belief that it's just impossible for the friendship to return to where it was (much less progress). So they permanently close the door on far more marvellous possibilities in the friendship, even if the friendship continues and is not totally cut off.

I've always believed that if I'm determined and the other side is always open, if not daring enough to believe - no matter how tentatively - that there's always a way to resolve conflicts completely, then no matter how deep the inevitable hurts, that friendship will always stay passionate, ideal and even progress from there.

Reading the books of Kings, it just amazed me how much we've hurt God... if I were in His shoes, I'd be so deeply hurt by now that the wound would have really been impossible to heal and the damage permanent. And He's been SO SO SO disappointed by us... deeply so. And having experienced such tiredness (mine was trivial ultimately, but it was intense while it lasted) over a relatively small thing, it just blows my mind how deeply we've hurt and wearied God.

And YET, look where we are now... despite ignoring God and making Him jealous so much, we experience more intimacy with Him now than even the best kings, David, Hezekiah and Josiah, did. And He just keeps on promising and promising... that He'll never leave us nor forsake us, that all He has is ours... that He delights in us and loves us so passionately... If anything, our relationship with Him should be one of hate at worst... non-existent or estranged at best. YET, it's the most ideal relationship EVER, all because one party - God - chose to keep it so and just kept offering and offering and pursuing and pursuing... relentlessly... just kept loving.


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