Friday, September 19, 2008

how did the goal of entertaining come to play such a big role in the christian world when it is not even found in the Bible????
in our bid to follow Jesus, are we sure that our actions show that we are modeling after Him or the world's?

Did Jesus try to entertain people to keep his popularity ratings up? did He use humour to engage people?
did He try to be funny? throw in a joke to spice things up, to keep his audience hooked? did he strive to be known as a funny, cool person?

why do we find ourselves trying so hard to keep the congregation entertained? instead of giving them the truth of the WORD and rely on the conviction of the Holy Spirit to draw them and keep them coming?

Entertainment is such a lousy substitute for joy and meaning. it's giving a bored generation what the world is actually better than us at giving. but what the world cannot give, are we going to give?

Peter Simon answered, "to whom shall we go? For You have the words of eternal life." John 6:6

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