Saturday, February 04, 2006


was so freaking out last night regarding CPE (Continuous Profession Education). my licence is expiring in mar 06! man.. how do i clock in my hours? i still need at least 80 hours... aka 80 CEUs (Continuous Education Units) by the end of Mar! ahhh....!!
not to mention the exhorbitant costs! i'll need at least 2k for courses to get 70 CEUs!
it is so tiring...! it's like juggling 2 jobs! it's so tough cos i m not in the practice. if i am working in a social service org, i would have the time, the allowance for it. but... as everything else, i have to raise this... n go for CPE on top of min.

why? why do i need to maintain my licence? well, for one, even obtaining it in the first place was God-arranged. i am not in the line... yet somehow, i qualified! graduates fr NUS since my time had to b in the practice for at least 3 months before they can start applying!! this itself is a miracle. n, esp last year, my licence came in so handy for the tsunami recovery efforts, for community min's strategy n LT plans... it made sense... but despite this, God i dun wanna work 2 keep dis licence 4 my own 'ambition'. really. the licence to me is not impt. i cant see y i need it. but if it is impt in my min, n U wan me to have it, U need to pull another miracle... it is impossible... i leave it in Your hands.

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