Tuesday, February 14, 2006

valentine challenge

termed by Christelle for this thingy dat God spoke to me abt years back...

was d day after Vday. was so "walking in the clouds", head over heels, dreamy as can b after VD. juz thinking abt my valentine (note small v) brought a grin to my lips, a warm glow to my face, a sparkle to my eyes... my heart missed a beat juz thinking the face in my mind might come into view when i round the corner... when God asked me - how is it dat i don't desire Him as much? how is it that i don't yearn for the very next time i can turn my full attention to Him? why doesn't my heart leap at the th ought of Him? why is my mind never as occupied by thoughts of Him? God gently challenged me to rethink my love relationship with Him. I felt His tender, yet jealous heart for me.

n i shared to my M1 gals think 2 weeks back. told them to evaluate their relationship with the Lover of their soul and take time to renew their passion for the Him. Christelle said dat it's different- our relationship wif a person n wif God, but she got the gist of wat i was trying to say n told me she'll try my Valentine challenge.

well,i should take up this same "challenge" n spend time with the Lover of my soul... NOW. bye...

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