Saturday, September 15, 2007

Padre nuestro que estás en los cielos Santificado sea tu Nombre Venga tu reino Hágase tu voluntad En la tierra como en el cielo Danos hoy el pan de este día y perdona nuestras deudas como nosotros perdonamos nuestros deudores y no nos dejes caer en al tentacion sino que líbranos del malo.
Amen/Así sea

bought a ring ytd.. dat has this on it. was love at 1st sight. finally... was looking for a thumb ring for the longest time since the red leather one that Di gave me looked more n more like rags. was glad after i purchased it. after that i went to buy the bag i had been wanting to get for the longest time too...yep was in a weird mood yesterday... guess dat s wat being cooped up for the whole week got me feeling. haha... spent $50 in total for my 2 buys.

sorry for disappearing from the cyberworld for so long. to all netizens out there...I'M BACK! was so busy, didnt feel like coming online, then went for staff summit all week...
so yeah... brave yourselves...!

was home all day... felt good retreating into my world with TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD. finally got to finish it. lamented dat i didnt get 2 do it 4 sec sch lit. joked to KH at summit dat i was reading it to reclaim my childhood. cooked dinner... a sudden whim came over me when mum suggested to dine out. the enlightening realisation that i really dun like eating out (which i do ALL the time cos i work most evenings). i've never considered myself a homebody... but seriously wouldnt die if i was to stay in for a whole week... got enuf to amuse myself with at home.

so yeah... the day's passed by lazily... restfully... contentedly... juz tot i'd pay a quick penance b4 i run off to NTUC... didnt noe i m so domesticated huh? LOL...
turning into a huang lian po...

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