Tuesday, December 04, 2007

there's a lot of stuff going on..

a dream come true. my photos are being exhibited at esplanade lib. LB asked me whom i ve told abt it after the set up... it was then that i realised... no one! i was surprised... someone as exhibitionistic as i... telling no one? so yeah.. i began to tell my close friends... n got the, "how come u now then tell me?!" fr FL...n my dg... n u who're reading my blog. so yeah. ok. i've told. haha. i was surprised that i wasnt over the moon during or after the set up. maybe cos i m really stressed this period.

i think it is impossible for me to do all that i have to do during these 2 weeks.
2 min projects that cannot move cos i need info that people r not giving me cos they too r too overwhelmed themselves. (i m v stressed out abt these!!!)
2 church projects that brings the congre to christmas n beyond
sisterhood, meetings, training, prep, exhibition....
i cant do it!!!! arrrggghhh *pulls hair*

paced YW. jo n joo finished ard my last year's timing. this year i went soooooo slowly! next year...
as usual, a lot of stuff went on in my head.
1) i was surprised that i chose to pace someone. it did something huge for me. i realised this was something i would really love to have done to me. realising that brought me to another thought - if the 2 r mismatched in speed n stamina, someone had to forgo his timing, sacrifice potential, what could be. i was huge on running ur own race... n i wondered which is more important to me: to have someone 2 journey with, regardless of whose potential the duo is sacrificing, or to find someone who is at the same pace, growing tog properly, neither sacrificing their potential, their own journey, or not journey tog at all .

2) i believed a lot in my students. their potential, the heights they can reach, great exploits for the kingdom of God... if only i believed in myself half as much! it occurred to me, while i pounded on the tar, that i should begin 2 c myself in a much more different light, that i should begin considering myself from a heavenly perspective too.

3) i lacked the mental strength that i so need.

next year's stand chart...another dream to come true.

LB juz told me she realised i m not a linguistic as she tot i was. so yeah.
i realy do hav trouble expressing all that's in my head.

the spore version of this ad ends with "for friendship, for greatness"...

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