Tuesday, December 02, 2008

the self-description i've always used on my blog and websites:

I’m an inanely intelligent girl who is introvertly extroverted and humbly proud; a pessimistic optimist, a talkative listener, a spontaneous planner,a myopic visionary, n a workaholic bummer all rolled into one. i'm also a nocturnal homosapien who's melancholically sanguine and painfully fun to be with! I love Jesus and am passionate about discipleship, evangelism and missions. i m a disciple of and a disciple-maker for Christ!

I’m finally ready to change that description! Why do I want to do that? I think it’s time to update; have a more accurate description, do away with the “try to be cool” mentality and state as plain as I can, as honestly as I know how, the who, what and why of me at this point of my life:

i am a beloved child of the one true, living God. I will give my all to grow in godliness and holiness, to be like Christ and live a life led and empowered by the Holy Spirit. I seek to be congruent and honest to who I am, to come into all I can be in Christ. I want to be known not as a successful ministry leader, charismatic preacher, faithful missionary, humble sage, but as one who knows and loves God. I want to live not for the world’s applause but solely for my Lord’s approval; not for popularity nor fame but for charity and His name; to please God and help others please Him; to know God and to make Him known. I’m a disciple of and a disciple-maker for Christ The world is my scope and Jesus my Saviour, Master and Friend. With His aid I shall fulfill my call, for love so amazing, so divine, demands my soul, my life, my all. 


more about me:

I think I m intelligent but I have been proven more foolish than wise. Sometimes humble, often proud. Preoccupied with self more than I like. Extroverted but enjoys being alone. I am more people than task-oriented, slightly more left than right-brained. More explosive than even tempered

I enjoy 

starbucks (once in a while due to lack of disposable income!), 

good books,


long walks and slow jogs, 

the seaside as well as the crowded orchard road, 

the stillness of the night, and a splash of rain

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