Friday, January 06, 2006

in "Finding Nemo", Dory said to Marlin, "When I look at you… I'm home."

Hwee ended her email update with that. it's Remi's and Yves' fav animation. reading news from her and from friends so far away juz makes them seem near. i can almost see her in my mind's eye, in that little, tugged away, scenic village.

her letter
reminded me to pray for her, n her family, for france n it's 47% divorce rate and families with members having 3,4 different last names and people going thru marriages "keeping their fingers crossed" dat it'll work out...
called me back to be mindful and thankful of the little pleasures of life, and to our God who is so faithful.

God bless n keep you all, Hwee.

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