Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Whatever you think about most
Whatever you surround yourself with
Whatever you listen to
Whatever you enjoy, you will become as a person. Through repetition you start to gravitate to that which is your deepest interest.
Style is literally the particular way a person acts, his personality, and his mannerisms
It takes years to cultivate but it is not something that most people are aware of on a daily basis.
– Dave Brooks

makes me wonder... wat is my heart's deepest interest? would it be something of the world... or would it be Jesus?

whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. - Phil 4:8

man... i realised i've regressed and lost alot of ground esp these past 3 weeks! lost my1st love (haha.. suddenly the meanings dawn on me), lost my mental strength and vigour, lost my discipline (should be pushing myself to run more but i so very lazy! really think i wont be able to make it liao... was juz recalling how at last year's 10k run i was tihnking i would ve died if i was running the 21 k and seeing the 10k-ers finishing while i have alot more to go! sigh...) and lost lots more...
only thing i ve super gained is WEIGHT! i m at my heaviest EVER!! (juz weighed myself!)
started the week well rested.. all thanks to the wedding on sun that took every ounce of energy i had... (was the most stressful one i org n emceed... cos of reasons only my old classmates could understand... sigh... ) slept early sun night... was good cos i smart smart took leave today to rest n regroup n reflected! hee... so now... i m fine... was juz thinking dat all s well fr now... but then realised the wedding's only an item on my IMPT things to do list... up next is my message, then training, then big big stuff like my workshops on sun, for other youth camps n meta n mission trip liaising... sigh... hence i begin yet another hectic week... but in a much better state i hope! hee...

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